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Products > ΔP valve

The 5103 valve type produced by R.A. SYSTEM has the characteristic to auto-regulate and to keep constant the internal pressure fall so that the fluid flow varies in linear way with the valve opening percentage, even when this is next to the fully opened or fully closed position.

Main features of these valves are:
  • installation on UNI-ISO PN16 flanges;
  • maximum flow 3000 l/h at 6 bar (maximum pressure 15 bar);
  • granted to work up to 130°C.
For this product it is available the following documentation (.pdf format):
Brochure 5103 valve type

DeltaP DeltaP_4521
R.A. System
Regulation and Automation Systems
Via Adamello 9 - 20010 BAREGGIO (MI) - Italy - Tel. +39 02.90362484 - Fax +39 02.90362485 - E-mail:
registered office: via Boccaccio 14, 20123 Milano
REA: 1391622 - PI e CF: 10642070154 - Reg. Imprese: 325262 - Cap. Soc.: €95.000 i.v.